These 5 things changed everything!

5 small lifestyle changes I made for big results:

🚶🏽‍♀️10,000 steps per day: this is so simple, but so effective. It gets you moving your body, outside breathing fresh air, reduces stress, increases endorphins and more. Sometimes I walk in silence, or dance to reggaeton, or listen to a podcast or audiobook. Sometimes I put ankle weights on or a weighted backpack. Listen to what your body needs on the day.

😴 Lights out by 10:30: When you have a good nights sleep, it changes everything. You have more energy, you don’t rely on caffeine to get you through the day, you make healthier food choices, you have the energy to exercise, your mood is better, you’re more productive and the list goes on. Try to stick to this for a week and notice the difference.

🏋️‍♀️Lifting weights 4 x week: By lifting weights to add more muscle mass, you’ll boost your metabolism and turn your body into a more efficient fat-burning machine. Research shows that between the ages of 30 and 70, women lose an average of 22 percent of their total muscle, lifting weights help reduce this loss. It can also be your best defense against osteoporosis, diabetes, and reducing anxiety and stress.

🤐Not eating 3 hours before bed: this allows your body to do what it’s meant to do while you are sleeping which is rest, repair, and restore. If you eat right before bed, then your body also has to digest your food and we all know what it’s like going to bed with a full tummy and we wake up more puffy and not well rested. Try it!

⏰ Waking up early: Early bird gets the worm is no joke. Use this precious time in the morning for yourself to meditate, journal, drink your coffee, and bonus points for moving your body first thing then it’s done for the day. Notice how much more productive you are all day long. To start try an extra 30 mins in the morning. When you are going to bed earlier, it’s easier to wake up earlier.

Pick one and slowly add on.

Which one are you going to try first?

🫶share with a friend or watch the insta reel I made on this here.


Is Your Breakfast Ruining Your Day


What if you try this instead?